An evergrowing collection of crisp icons.
DownloadV3.1.0 / 251 icons
You can also use collecticons with NPM.
Install collecticons.
yarn add @devseed-ui/collecticons-react
Simply use an icon in your app.
<CollecticonBrandDevelopmentSeed />
Collecticons is also available specifically for Chakra UI making it possible to use with the Chakra styled system.
Install collecticons.
yarn add @devseed-ui/collecticons-chakra
Simply use an icon in your app.
<CollecticonBrandDevelopmentSeed size={{ base: '4', lg: '8' }} />
We at Development Seed use iconography in a lot of projects. Some of the icons were designed/built on top of libraries like icoMoon by Keyamoon and others were made in house. This evergrowing collection is a set of the icons we've been using so far and are now available for free under the The MIT License and the Creative Commons Attribution License 4.0.
If you feel like contributing to this library checkout our collecticons library repo and submit a pull request.